
Shhhh, They’re Listening

Put on your new nature, created to be like God–truly righteous and holy.” Ephesians 4:24

I can just imagine the sleepy walls stretching their arms and yawning in ways they had forgotten. Slowly opening their tightly closed eyes as they examined the strange new world around them. Where was all the noise coming from? The home had been lonely for two years. No squeals from the playscape, no splashing in the pool, nothing sticky on the cabinets, or footprints on the floor. But no longer, life had returned. But my oh my, I must admit I hope the walls were snoozing during the days of remodeling and moving. I was definitely on Santa’s naughty list this year. Some moments I was sweet as my grandmas’ punch, but other times I acted like my grandpa’s bull, Amos. I was missing Christmas again this year, and not just because of Covid-19. The busy bug had entered my world and I didn’t have time for Him.

This year was busier than usual. The Christmas carols were serenading me as I sped from store to store looking for just the right color carpet or picking up extra paint. My favorite Christmas channel was on the television with its Christmas movies of love and hot chocolate, as I clicked away ordering presents on my computer, but the Holy days weren’t quite sinking in. 

The kids were coming Christmas day and it would be our first party in our new home. I was so excited as I cooked and decorated, yet dear Jesus was not in his crib in the stable. He was not close by, the stuff was, but I just kept ignoring the “Reason for the Season.” I had more Santas on display this year than nativities. That’s impossible at our house, but my baby Jesuses were in some mystery box and I just didn’t have the time to find them. It’s Jesus’ day, the Holy’s time, and I’m usually blessed to go along for the wonderful ride, but not this year. I was missing Christmas. I didn’t see any Advent services, hear Christmas choirs, or listen to inspiring sermons. I was busy, oh so very busy.

After the house became quiet again, and all the loves of our life left, the peace descended where joyful craziness had once been.  Full of expectations, as I glanced through the pictures taken I was blessed to be shown I was mistaken. 

Traditions acknowledged every moment with the Saviour, and He was in the middle of the joy, laugher, prayer and fun. He was there even though I didn’t have my morning prayers. He was there when we couldn’t go to church on Christmas Eve. He was in the midst of the TV service, we watched, it wasn’t the same, but Jesus knew He was still in the middle of my world. As I read Luke 2, the grand babies hung their verse on the tree, until Jesus birth hung before us among the sparkling lights, just like the stars that shone over the stable in Bethlehem. I could see Jesus among us. We all held our breaths when we let the “littles” hold their own candle as we sang Parker’s request, Feliz Navidad and closed with Martha’s Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. I held out for Away in the Manger while we were blowing out the candles. Once again, our precious One was showing me His unconditional love.

Our house put on a new self as we painted and spruced it up and awakened it to an exciting new world. Ash Wednesday is February 17 , and with it a chance to live an intentional life for Him. I sure don’t want to get on the Easter Bunny’s naughty list. I want to get my “virtual” ashes on my forehead, say my Lenten prayers for 40 days, and be there when Jesus rises among us. So on Easter morning, I won’t have missed a thing, and my nature will be made new. Blessings in the name of Christ who is behind us, with us, and in the days to come.

You know this story I just shared with you is my story, not yours because we all have our own.  But if you were touched or moved by something I wrote and the Lord tapped you on the shoulder I’m thankful, if not thanks for following along.

Why don’t we ponder some thoughts that came to my mind.

Points to Ponder:

1. Have you ever missed God??

2. Has God ever surprised you?

3. What is your reason for the Christmas and Lenten season?

I’d like to close today with a few thoughts by Thomas Merton that I keep on my heart as I write my words. What do I mean by this? Am I saying what I mean? Have I some notion of the consequences of what I am saying? I truly pray that I do.

I’ll be here each Wednesday  in your electronic mailbox if you would like to take a walk with me.

Pray with me: I love you Lord. You hold my hand as I w all through the busiest of days. You are there when I don’t even realize it. Only you can open the paths for me precious One. I’m slowing down just to be with you.

 I hope you’ll be my walking partner as I navigate my way through a life of whimsy, grace, and a lot of love for our Savior. You can read about my adventures on this blog, Wandering the Path, or if you’d rather, join me on my podcast Wandering the Path with Debi. 

And remember, as my Auntie used to say, “No matter how bumpy the journey, your path has already been cleared.”