
Come Walk with Me

“…Do not be afraid; only believe.”
Mark 5:36

It was on a bright June morning in San Antonio, Texas that my “walk” began. Old habits are hard to break! As usual, my credit cards and I took our customary trek toward the Mall. “Something” made me lose my bearings as I found myself headed in another direction. I became aware that my standard trip to the MALL had been cancelled.  I knew the clerks would miss me, but the need to be with someone whom I had missed surpassed the need to drag out my credit card.  (Shocking, I know.) That “Something”, the Holy Spirit tugged at my heart and encouraged me to listen and follow.

Up against bright blue summer sky the steeples of San Fernando Cathedral guided my way.   I had driven by this 275 year old church many times, but had never taken the time to step upon its sacred grounds.  Today the Holy Spirit was calling my name towards this blessed spot. As I approached the Cathedral, my heart quicken at the possibility of what lay ahead.  At the entrance of the Cathedral, a peace fell upon my soul.  Tears came to my eyes as I put myself aside and listened to the Holy Spirit and the plans of my Holy Father. The concept that my life would never be the same as I went deeper in my journey with God enlivened me.  The Holy Spirit’s plan may not be world changing.  It may influence only a few, or as hard as it is to realize, She truly may be concerned only about me as I live for my Father in heaven.

On this life changing summer morning as I followed the sultry four mile path back to the hotel, there was no fear of not being able to reach my destination. As my heart soared I called upon my Lord and kept my heart open to the next destination He had planned.  All I had to do was heed Jesus’ words, “Do not be afraid; only believe.”  I have a walk planned for us.  Let’s put on our tennis shoes, leave our credit cards behind, and step out together in the belief that we have nothing to fear, just joy to embrace.


*Before reading these ideas, turn off the radio or TV.  Close the door and tell your family you will be back in a few minutes.  Give yourself the gift of time to ponder.

“…Do not be afraid; only believe.”

Mark 5:36

As was Jesus’ custom, He was walking through the dusty streets of the village speaking and praying with people on His way.  Word of His healings and teachings had spread as well as  the crowds of people craving to get close to Him.  Among them was the synagogue ruler, Jarius.  Just as he had navigated his way through the crowds to the only One who could heal his daughter, Jarius received word that his precious child had died.  He was advised not to “bother” Jesus any longer. It was too late.  Mark 5:36 tells us Jesus’ response, “…do not be afraid, only believe.”  Jarius did this, and his daughter was brought back to life.

As I “pondered” on this verse, I found my heart at peace with the words, “only believe.”
As I left San Fernando Cathedral, my sacred place, these words quieted my soul.  Perhaps these questions will direct your “pondering” this week, or maybe another part of this verse spoke to you.  What questions could become part of your time with the One who listens to all of our needs?

1.  Have you ever felt the tug of the Holy Spirit on your heart?  What caused it?  Think hard, it might have been just a slight nudge, or God may be waiting for you to follow that “something.”  Are you ready to feel His pull?

2.  What do you truly believe?  Why?  Can others see your “beliefs” in you?

3.  Are the words “only believe” easy for you or do you need “real” proof?  Where could you find this evidence?

Will you pray with me?  Perhaps you would like to talk to our “One,” one-to-one!
Dear Holy One, Your words “only believe” give us such freedom. As we feel Your tug on our hearts, allow us to trust with certainty that You, dear One, will guide us on our journey as we put our fears aside.
Trusting in your love,
Your Believing Companion


“The Jesus Prayer”

“Pray without ceasing.”
I Thessalonians 5:17

The Jesus Prayer is an unpretentious prayer whose words are repeated over and over.  Effortless in language, but life saving in times when our mind is too tired to pray, our spirit too troubled to sit still, and yet we need to feel the strength of our Lord surround us with His unending love. This calm in the storms of life is unadorned but soothing to the soul, spirit and heart. The Way of the Pilgrim, narrated by an unknown pilgrim, traces his walk across 19th century Russia. Searching to fulfill Paul’s teachings in I Thessalonians 5:17 to “pray without ceasing,” he carries a Bible, knapsack, bread, and prayer rope.  During his solitary journey, he met a monk with a unique gift for guiding others. This learned man provided the answer for which this traveler had been looking.  The monk directed the pilgrim as follows, “The unceasing interior Jesus Prayer is the uninterrupted, continual calling upon the divine name of Jesus Christ, with the lips, the mind, and the heart, while calling to mind His constant presence and beseeching His mercy, during any activity one may be occupied with, in all places, at all times, and even while sleeping.  The words of this prayer are as follows: Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me!  If one makes a habit of this supplication, one will experience great comfort and a need to repeat this prayer unceasingly, so that eventually one will not be able to live without it and the prayer will flow of its own accord.”

I yearn to have a prayer that will flow from me as easily as breathing. To have the Jesus Prayer be such a part of my very being that I utter it before having time to crater in a crisis, is my hope.  In this way I will always be able to call on my Lord, praise His mercy and repeat this short, heart felt prayer.  Let’s sit together and pray without ceasing these amazingly, comforting words.

“Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me.”


Are you seeking to deepen your spiritual life?  Are you choosing to walk a new path with God?  If you wish to share a comment please send it to [email protected].  It’s always great to hear from others as we journey together.

The following books have guided me as I have begun my life more fully awake:

THE WAY OF THE PILGRIM translated by Olga Savin
DO WHAT YOU HAVE THE POWER TO DO by Helen Bruch Pearson   San Fernando Cathedral”