About Debi

It’s no wonder the title of this blog is “Wandering the Path.” You see, I’ve pretty much wandered all of my life. I lived as a child in a teacherage with my parents and two brothers on the school grounds, where my dad was the Principal of the entire school in Danville, Texas, with a daily attendance of 50 children. My playtime was when the first graders went outside to play on the playground. I had lunch in the cafeteria, where my great aunt served the food. My grandparents lived down the road, and my Papa would come to pick me up and take me to the “filling station” to get some ice cream and a ride through the pasture. It was pretty idyllic. After my mom graduated from Stephen F. Austin Teacher’s College with her degree in elementary education, my nomadic life began as we moved to Pasadena, Texas.

As my parents started their new teaching jobs, I started first grade. I didn’t wander very far from home except on holidays and summers when my family would load up in the family station wagon and hit the road for some time in the country and fresh air with my grandparents. At the end of my freshman year at Sam Rayburn High School, my dad received his doctorate from The University of Houston, and we wandered to Nacogdoches, Texas so, he could teach at Stephen F. Austin State College. I took my first step into the door at Nacogdoches High School and met my husband. After graduating from high school in 1970, we went to SFA, the home of the Lumberjacks, graduated, and got married.

After a stationary first year of marriage, my wandering reached warp speed. In the last 46 years, we moved to Duncanville, Texas, Garland, Texas, Tatum, Texas, La Marque, Texas, Lubbock, Texas, Lake Travis, Texas, Lubbock, Texas (again), Dallas, Texas, and finally Bullard, Texas. Who knows, our lives might have passed along the way.

As I look back, I see God in every step of the way. It was indeed in Dallas when my feet quit wandering, and my heart started skipping. My pew at church didn’t seem to fit any longer. I loved the stories and the songs, but my heart soared when I heard the liturgy, and we had time to sit with the Holy in silence. I no longer wiggled but embraced the moments. No lights shone from the heavens, but an awakening in my heart, soul, and mind occurred that guides me as I walk my days. After encouragement from dear friends Lou Wetherbee and Susan Loving, I took off and began a two-year life-changing study with the Academy for Spiritual Formation. During this discernment time, I found my way strutting off to reach out to others as I began my education in Stephen Ministry, which showed me my true path, Spiritual Direction. Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University has been my home for the last few years listening for the Holy with others. I’ve led Bible studies and retreats throughout the years and had a blast listening for my Father in the middle of it.

The writings I wish to share with you are a few of my remembrance when I felt our Father walking with me, holding me, and loving me as I walk.  It often seems that some days, I’m wandering more than writing.

We have five amazing grandchildren who I push in swings, buy ice cream after school, and sometimes it’s before dinner.  On lake weekends we fish, paint, go on walks, have scavenger hunts par excellence, ride jet skis, and host the most amazing Moses’ family talent shows. These precious angels are the joy of our lives.  They make us laugh and praise God to the highest just because they are His children.

With every word I write, these words by Thomas Merton are in my mind and heart.  “What do I mean by this” Am I saying what I mean? Have I understood what it implies? Have some notion of the consequences of what I am saying?”

I pray I do!

Blessings and joy to you my friends.

And remember as my auntie used to say, “No matter how bumpy the journey, your path has already been cleared.”